Monday, August 21, 2006

cool things about shades

One of the most confusing aspects of persistence frameworks is persistant identity. Equals and hashcode typically must be implemented so that Object equalty amounts to a comparison between identity columns of the persistent instance. Since datastore identity is often implemented using autoincrementing primary keys, this leads to a framework dilema: to expose datastore identity in the pojo, or not. Some persistence frameworks force the pojo to hold onto the PK. Other frameworks use bytecode instrumentation to make it transparent.

The situation is arguably simpler for "Object Identity". It is assumed that "Object Identity", as opposed to datastore identity, means that a unique set of column values is mirrored in the pojo's fields. So the pojo naturally posseses as set of fields, that taken together uniquely identify the record in the datastore. Here we again find ourselves bitten by the false equivalence between a pojo in memory, and a record in the database. Remember, equals and hashcode must be overridden to use exactly the identity fields of the Object. This makes it extremely tricky to support "change of identity" during a transaction.

In implementing JDOMax I learned a lot about this issue. Change of identity is actually very common: changing a "User" Object's 'username' field, for example. Because most frameworks for transparent object persistence keep a cache, change of identity can have a devastating and unexpected effect on this cache. Because, equals and hashcode suddenly return different values at different times during the transaction, the cached pojos can appear to "dissappear" from cache.

So one of my biggest issues with ORMapping that claims to be transparent is that it ain't transparent. If I have to override equals and hashCode in a particular way, the mapping is not transparent.

Unlike any other O/R Mapping system that I know of, Shades does not impose any restrictions on how you have implement equals and hashcode. In fact, it doesn't care at all. Shades has a dynamic ORMapping system, as opposed to a static mapping. You can query a record from the database, and load it into a pojo whose equals and hashcode depends only on the 'lastname' field of the pojo. In the same transaction you can load a second record from the table into a pojo whose equals and hashcode depend only on "firstname". You can change the firstname or the lastname field of either pojo, during the same transaction. You can load a third record into yet another pojo whose equals and hashode depend on NONE of the fields of the object. Modifications to the objects are transparently tracked and flushed out to the database on a call to 'update'.

Shades provides a dynamic ORMapping system, in which an ORMapping can be created or chosen, at runtime, to perform I/O from table to pojo. This has an advantage of allowing the "identity" of the pojo to depend on different columns of the database in different situations. Anyone who has ever built an app using straight SQL knows that these "perspectives" on a table surface in the variety of different columns that are retrieved in different situations. Shades is designed to be fluid and adaptable to these common situations. In fact, I thought of the name "Shades" because a good data access framework should recognize the shades of grey that permeate data access programming. Perhaps most of all, shades tries to minimize the number of rules, states, and do's and don'ts.

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