Saturday, December 06, 2008

Big week for

On Thursday, Andres Ferrate, posted this article on Programmable Web titled "Mashups Get a Hosted Database With". We also got an entry on Programmable Web about our JavaScript API. Very quickly the wave of account signups poured in and it hasn't crested yet. I guess this a moment that every small startup has to cope with. Fortunately both Brent and I have been there before but it never gets old. You can't keep your eyes off the server logs, and it's almost a point of pride when you hit "Too many open files" and need to kick a "ulimit -n", which in fact happened yesterday as dozens of new databases were created on Well, it's not exactly what I'd call being slashdotted, but it was a fun ride. Our challenge now, is how to effectively collect feedback from these Alpha users in order to improve the service based on their experience.

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